Dynamics 365 ensures Koppert’s supply chain is fit for the future (video)

BERKEL EN RODENRIJS - Koppert Biological Systems helps farmers maximize their profit while reducing the environmental impact at the same time. In their battle against diseases and pests, whilst encouraging natural pollination the company sends out armies of natural enemies, microorganisms and bumblebees. The transition to Dynamics 365 helps to make sure these little armies of helpers arrive at their destinations in game-ready condition. On top of that this technology makes innovation and growth easier than ever before.

The protection of flowers and plants against disease and pests is changing rapidly. Consumers expect flowers, vegetables and fruit without traces of pesticides. Supermarkets and governments prohibit the use of certain pesticides. Growers are starting to choose environmentally friendly, sustainable growing solutions. The Dutch company Koppert Biological Systems has 26 locations worldwide from where it helps thousands of farmers with biological solutions for food crops and flowers.

No room for mistakes in the supply chain

The family company produces, packages and ships bumblebees, predatory mites, parasitic wasps and ladybugs among other natural enemies. Bumblebees are very effective pollinators who can perform under difficult circumstances. If these auxiliary troops arrive late or in less than optimal condition, it has a significant impact on the harvest. “A lot of our products have an limited shelf life and that’s why every hour counts. There is no room for mistakes in our supply chain”, says Harm Jan Westera, Corporate IT-manager at Koppert Biological Systems.

Dynamics 365 guarantees reliability and flexibility

The company wanted to improve its processes further with new technology but it needed a new ERP system to accomplish that. By transitioning to Microsoft Dynamics 365 the company now has a platform that not only complies to modern standards, it also facilitates sustainable growth. Now the systems all speak the same language. Because everything is standardized the company is experiencing increased flexibility. “Now we can reach new markets in no-time with the best practices that are incorporated in the system”, says Westera.

Ready for tomorrow

Dynamics 365 has helped Koppert Biological Systems to produce a worldwide, financial and operational infrastructure that is future ready. The system also offers add-ons to easily implement new features or technology. The company is planning to use Power Apps, with which it can easily, cheaply and quickly produce apps in the future. Their ultimate goal is a completely transparent supply chain, which will enable the company to maximize their service to the customer and optimize growth.

A partner that understands technology and our company

“We can’t do everything ourselves and technology is changing every day. To get the full benefit of the Dynamics 365 platform we need an partner that not only understands technology, but our company as well”, says Westera. In cooperation with Cegeka they started a team that developed best practices that are implemented worldwide. Technology is driving the growth of Koppert Biological Systems and enables the company to realize its sustainability mission. To work together with farmers and nature to make agriculture and horticulture healthier, safer, more productive and resilient.


Bron: Cegeka - partner FoodPro Network

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